Friends, a few days ago while finishing my shift at the hotel, I found an article of great interest by John Squires over on Bloody Disgusting. It was of a video from three weeks back featuring a Father and Daughter doing their part to stave off the boredom of self-quarantine – by reenacting “The Time Warp” number from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Every single part from the 1975 film is played by Gelsey Laurie and her Father – with the original sequence included in the corner of the video!

Video and Article Image Provided by Gelsey Laurie.

After the second time that I watched it, I felt it best to share it with you all too – it is pretty obvious that Gelsey Laurie and her Father are having a blast. In addition as the article by Squires pointed out, this is far from the first video they have put together, it turns out in the same week they also performed the dinner sequence from 1988’s Beetljuice – featuring Harry Belafonte’s “Day-O“.

Video Provided by Gelsey Laurie.

And it appears that Father and Daughter are still going strong as at the end of April they released another video, this time reenacting the “Spoonful of Sugar” number from the 1964 Walt Disney picture Mary Poppins. Gelsey and her Father, just like with The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Beetlejuice numbers play all the roles from Julie Andrews’ Mary Poppins to Jane and Michael Banks – originally played by Karen Dotrice as well as Matthew Garber. They have even included similar stop-motion animation and visual effects that were employed in the original film!

Video Provided by Gelsey Laurie.

While personally I enjoy the “Time Warp” reenactment the most, I will have to say that I am absolutely impressed by what they pulled off with the “Spoonful of Sugar” video. Plus these reenactments of beloved movies is a very nice way for the duo to try and brighten the day of everyone that checks them out, right?

Published by Vic Sage

An avid devotee to pretty much all things retro and retro related - I love to share my memories and passion for films, comics, gaming, podcasting... and curiously enough my overwhelming desire to never stop eating beef jerky.

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  1. Hello!
    My name is Gelsey Laurie, and I saw you posted an article about my YouTube videos I made with my dad! I just wanted to say thank you so much for sharing! We had a blast creating them and they lead to a whole world of creating for YouTube!

    I would love for you to check out my new original series I wrote, directed, edited and starred in “The Struggle is Real”
    -Millennial, and aspiring actress, Gelsey is forced to balance her career and life all from the constraints of her parents’ home— and sometimes the voices in her head.

    It was all filmed in my home, on my iPhone11 edited with iMovie and of course is “co-staring” my parents.

    This week is the season finale, and I will be following with more spin off character videos from the series! I hope you enjoy it and hope the fall is starting off a great season for you!

    Episode 1

    Episode 2

    Episode 3

    Episode 4

    Episode 5

    Episode 6

    -Gelsey Laurie


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